Swiss Protein & Fiber

Sustainable Upcycling –
The Power of Circularity


Was macht UpGrain?

UpGrain transforms by-products from breweries into valuable raw materials through upcycling. In other words, we rescue barley grains from the brewing process to produce protein and fiber powders for a variety of applications in the food industry.



Why do we do it?

Climate change and steady population growth are among the greatest challenges of our time. UpGrain's solution promotes a sustainable, circular future and bridges the gap between the demand and supply of proteins and fibers.



Wie machen wir es?

At UpGrain, we are committed to a world without food waste and environmental impact – and we achieve this through upcycling. With our innovative technology, we produce 90% more environmentally friendly than conventional alternatives like soy or pea protein. Our unique mechanical separation and drying process treats barley with particular care to recover all its valuable components. This way, we transform by-products into high-quality products that make a real difference.

Our Products

Swiss Made - Swiss Quality

Upgrain Protein

Protein content of 45% with a pleasant neutral taste.

Upgrain Fiber

Fiber concentration of 70%, highly functional and water-binding.

Upgrain Classic

Protein and fiber-rich powder with a minimum of carbohydrates.


Value through network

«Dank der Partnerschaft mit UpGrain werden wir die erste Brauerei in Europa oder sogar weltweit sein, die 100 % ihrer Nebenströme zu Lebensmitteln verarbeitet.»

Karl Locher – Owner of Brauerei Locher (Appenzeller Bier)

«Lokal erzeugte Lebensmittel, die Kreisläufe schliessen, werden in Zukunft immer wichtiger. Die Produkte von UpGrain ermöglichen umweltbewussten Verbrauchern sich nachhaltig und gleichzeitig gesund zu ernähren.»

Dr. Sc. ETH Michel Roux – Expert in Agri-Food Sector

«Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit müssen sich nicht gegenseitig ausschliessen, und die Pulver von UpGrain beweisen genau dies. Sie erhöhen den Nährwert in verschiedenen Lebensmittelanwendungen und schonen gleichzeitig den Planeten - eine echte Win-Win-Situation.»

Prof. Dr. Sc. ETH Nadina Müller – Head of Food Technology Research Group, ZHAW

Do you want to know more? -

Contact us!

+41 79 327 07 38
Zielstrasse 1a
CH – 9050 Appenzell